This post was the hero for this solve →
I love challenges like these, where the flag slowly falls out
import socket
HOST, PORT = "".split(":")
def split_by_n(seq, n):
"""A generator to divide a sequence into chunks of n units."""
while seq:
yield seq[:n]
seq = seq[n:]
def recieve(sock: socket.socket):
data = b""
while b">" not in data:
res = sock.recv(512)
data += res
return data
def get_blocks_from_remote(payload: str, sock: socket.socket, padding = 4):
bytes("b" * padding, "utf-8").hex() + bytes(payload, "utf-8").hex(),
received = str(recieve(sock), "utf-8")
if not received.endswith("> "):
received += str(recieve(sock), "utf-8")
return list(split_by_n(received, 32))
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as sock:
sock.connect((HOST, int(PORT)))
intro = recieve(sock)
count = 16 * 3
result_string = ""
while True:
count -= 1
payload = "a" * (count)
block = get_blocks_from_remote(payload, sock)[3]
for i in range(32, 126):
result_block = get_blocks_from_remote(payload + result_string + chr(i), sock)[3]
if result_block == block:
result_string += chr(i)